Wednesday, March 07, 2007

BBC Radio Drama

Forgot about this one - a month or so ago I went to a guest Lecture by Connor Lennon, who is a radio Producer for the BBC. He is wanting people to produce short, 3 minute, radio dramas with a view to making radio drama more popular. What with podcasts and audio on the move in general becoming ever more popular, Connor believes that radio drama could be the next big thing.

Not something that I have done before, I think I will have a go at producing something in the studio.

Connor's blog is here:

Friday, March 02, 2007

Here are a few more images showing the Vocal Booth......

Another session a success

Wednesday 28th Feb saw a second a session take place without any hiccups. Mark, my guitarist just fitted inside the booth with his acoustic guitar in tow (forgot to take any pictures though).

A new feature was discovered in ProTools too whilst editing / comping Mark's guitar takes. Beat Detective (CONTROL + 8 on numeric keypad), is used for things such as analysing tracks and splitting them up into multiple regions around each significant transient (each drum beat for example). However, it also contains a feature which will "fill in the gaps" around each edit and auotmatically create fades and crossfades to ensure a seamless cut. Mark's timing was a little off during the intro of the new song, so using the "separate region" command (keyfocus + B), the chords were separated and then aligned back to the grid. Then, using the feature outlined above in Beat Detective, the gaps created due to this editing were seamlessly joined back together; I will post some screenshots soon.

Another feature used during some vocal takes with Ollie, was the "matching start times takes list". As well as being able to use this to comp a single vocal track within itself, I discovered that the different takes can easily be layered upon each other by using multiple tracks. This therefore allows complex multi-tracking of harmonies etc., to be very quickly layered by using a combination of this and the loop record feature.