Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Timelapse video

Been playing again with creating timelapse video sequences and now I understand the process much better.

Firstly, unless you really need the extra resolution (i.e. perhaps you plan to zoom in on a section of video for example), then the camera can be set to its lowest JPEG image setting. In the case of my 550D this happened to be 2592 x 1728 which is obviously much higher than is needed for standard 1080P HD video.

Secondly, as most DSLR cameras take their pictures with an aspect ratio of 3:2, we need to ensure that when exporting the image sequence to 1920 x 1080, that the aspect ratio is preserved, otherwise horizontal stretching will occur.

Any way, the way I carried out my timelapse was to record a series of images every 5 seconds (using Magic Lantern's built in intervalometer) and to simply then take these into Quicktime Player 7 using its "OPEN IMAGE SEQUENCE" option.

Upon doing this, a window will appear asking what frame rate to use - I simply chose the standard PAL of 25fps.

The sequence can then be exported and I chose to use Apple ProRes LT (in case I wanted to take the finished video in a FCP project) with a resolution of 1920 x 1080. IMPORTANT: you need to make sure that PRESERVE ASPECT RATIO using CROP is selected to ensure that the resultant video file is not stretched.

Job done!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Canon 5D MKIII or 6D?

Been thinking lately about whether to jump to full frame and get the 5D MKII. Currently (Sept '11), you can snap (excuse the pun) a 5D MKII and 24 to 105 f/4 IS L lens for around £2100. This fairly large discount must be due to the imminent arrive of the 5D MKIII or its equivalent.

I watched a few comparison videos last night looking at the features of the 5D MKII and the 7D and from these, what I have learnt is that I'd like a full frame version of the 7D and not really the 5D MKII which has a few outdated features.

I therefore came across a few rumours of a "6D", which will be a lower priced full frame DSLR with perhaps the features of the existing 7D :)

Hopefully this will happen soon......

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

DSLR Cinema

I've recently been told about a new book called DSLR Cinema by Kurt Lancaster. Looks good and have ordered a copy....

Monday, January 10, 2011

Field of view tool

This is an excellent tool for showing the difference between different sensor sizes and how it affects the field of view. Wish there was one to show DoF too.